An offer almost too good to refuse—free pints on St. Patrick’s Day.
Buzz and Earned Media
When people think of Dublin they think of Ireland.
So to get people talking about the other Dublin, the one in Ohio, we extended a simple invitation across the pond.
To attract visitors from Dublin, Ireland to the city in Ohio, we helped Visit Dublin Ohio extend an especially warm invitation with cheeky OOH billboards and location-targeted social ads in downtown Dublin, Ireland, making an offer almost too good to refuse—free pints on St. Patrick’s Day.
Any Dubliner who made the 3,566 mile (or 5,738 km) trek to their American counterpart between March 8th and March 18th was rewarded with free pints of beer and plenty of “Visit Dublin” swag to take back home.
So to get people talking about the other Dublin, the one in Ohio, we extended a simple invitation across the pond.
To attract visitors from Dublin, Ireland to the city in Ohio, we helped Visit Dublin Ohio extend an especially warm invitation with cheeky OOH billboards and location-targeted social ads in downtown Dublin, Ireland, making an offer almost too good to refuse—free pints on St. Patrick’s Day.
Any Dubliner who made the 3,566 mile (or 5,738 km) trek to their American counterpart between March 8th and March 18th was rewarded with free pints of beer and plenty of “Visit Dublin” swag to take back home.
Earned Impressions
Thirsty Lads
Pints of Beer